Food & Water : Introduction

The best way is to relieve the pressure on emergency services in crisis situations for real emergencies is if as many people as possible can supply themselves with sufficient food and potable water at home to last a minimum of 72 hours / 3 days or, ideally, for 14 days.

The secure supply of water is of immense importance. It is more important than food since the human organism cannot do without water for more than 3-4 days. A water consumption of around four liters per person per day should be planned (2.5 liters per day is the absolute minimum). It’s not just about drinking i.e.consumption requirements

It is also important to use the water for hygiene/sanitation and cooking. The four liters are divided roughly as follows: two liters of drinking water, one liter for personal hygiene/cleaning, and one liter for cooking.

Emergencies do not only mean quarantine situations like the Corona outbreak. Even in the event of flooding, a widespread power failure, or a severe storm, there is a risk of finding food difficult to find. What to stockpile and how much will be discussed in the relevant food storage drop-down menu.

Needless to say, our unique 30-Day course adequately describes and explains the most important considerations associated with Food/Water Preservation & Storage. As I personally discovered, it is not just a case of purchasing in bulk and storing in a cupboard ; nor is water storage just a simple procedure of filling containers and utilizing spaces in the house and/or garage.

All that being said, when you have planned and executed these tasks correctly, the self-satisfaction is enormous.

Every food has special requirements in terms of storage and preservation. It is ideal if you have an unheated pantry or cellar in addition to a refrigerator and freezer. That being said, our future discussions with respect to Food Storage will take into account power outage events where the refrigerator/freezer function is not available.


Course Content:

Water Purification Tips and Process

Water Purification involves treatment of water order to kill harmful microbes (and remove mineral contaminants) otherwise it is not suitable for drinking. kills all possible pathogens in water everywhere and at all times, even at higher altitudes. You don’t have to let it boil for a long time, a 1-2 minutes is enough. Boiling is sufficient to kill pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa (WHO, 2015).

Water Storage Tips and Process

Water storage is a broad term referring to storage of both potable water for consumption, and non potable water for general household functions e.g. washing clothes and sanitation purposes during an emergency crisis when the normal supply is limited or completely cut off. Storing water for use in emergency situations invites a host of potential issues regardless of that water’s intended purpose. Such issues include contamination through organic and inorganic means.

How To Maintain Your Food Supplies

Careful maintenance and regular checks of your supplies will reduce spoilage and protect you from a “rude awakening” during a real emergency that you are short of food. We have therefore compiled the most important measures for stock maintenance for you below:

How Food Can Be Preserved.

Preserving food ensures that it lasts longer. This saves money in the long run as well as reducing unnecessary waste! No food has an indefinite shelf life. But there are several ways with which you can preserve food for quite a while and stock up on it.

This Is How Food Can Be Stored.

In order to maintain the temperature and humidity conditions for most foods, your household should ideally have the following storage options available: Refrigerator (0 to 6 ° C) Freezer or freezer (-18 ° C or below)

Canning Foods for Survival. Part 1 of 6: What is Canning ?

Canning was a way of preserving food back when there were no refrigerators to be found. The French were actually the first to preserve food (or “can” it) back in the 1800’s and hence the name “canning.” People who lived on farms had to have a way of ensuring that what they grew in their gardens or in the fields would be able to sustain them for the winter and beyond.

Canning Foods for Survival. Part 2 of 6 : The Benefits

One of the essential skills for Preparedness and Survival is Canning which is preserving food through pressure cooking in containers. This way, you can save money and store food to last a long time for sure. When faced with any emergency food crisis scenario, you can rest assure you will have plenty to eat as long as you have planned ahead.

Canning Foods for Survival. Part 3 of 6 : Essential Materials Required to Start Your Canning Processes

You are going to need certain pieces of equipment to Can. You can’t think that you are just going to be boiling water and jars and throwing some food in them. This article on Canning Foods for Survival will be quite short and concise since it contains a more illustrative account later on on what you need including recommended purchases.

Canning Food for Survival. Part 4 of 6 : Types of Canning for Fruit, Meat, Seafood & Vegetables

I cannot over-stress the importance of Canning with respect to food preservation and its importance in contributing to food hygiene and the resulting god health and well-being. Hence, I shall re-cap what has already been explained in previous sections of this course but in a different manner. Canning is a quick way to preserve large quantities of food.

Canning Foods for Survival. Part 5 of 6 : Tips on Sterilizing Your Work Area for the Best Results

Any germs, micro-germs and bacteria can creep into you food/jars and you and your loved ones will regret it sooner or later, more than likely when you LEAST want to be sick and/or confined to sick bay. The first thing you want to clean are the surfaces where you will be preparing the food.

Canning Foods for Survival. Part 6 of 6 : Where To Store Your Long-Term Survival Produce

The best place for long-term food storage is often against an outside wall in the basement because it’s coolest here. However, if your home doesn’t have a basement, any cool, dark corner or closet will work well.

Food & Water : Food Storage – Part 1 of 3

If an earthquake, hurricane, winter storm, or other disaster strikes your community, you might not have access to food, water, and electricity for days or even weeks. By taking some time now to plan and store emergency food and water supplies,

Food & Water : Food Storage – Part 2 of 3

Although food storage takes space, time and money, it is highly recommended. Disasters as described in the previous menu items are real and can happen to you just like that. For survival of the first 72 hours we recommend the BOB. Since in many situations it can take some time for new food to arrive in the supermarkets,

Food & Water : Food Storage – Part 3 of 3

However, it’s best to discuss first of all a Survival Food Kit Buying Guide so that it’s possible for the potential customer to decide beforehand whether or not expenditure on this specialized type of merchandise is worthwhile for his / her family as well as him/herself.

Camping Cooking Stoves & Accessories For Use In A Crisis: Part 1 of 2 – Basic Knowledge.

A hot meal is a luxury not readily available to many people after disaster strikes. With the electrical grid down, your house destroyed or un-inhabitable, and no signs of immediate aid/assistance, your chances of serving your family a comforting, hot meal are slim to none—unless you planned well beforehand.

Camping Cooking Stoves & Accessories For Use In A Crisis: Part 2 of 2 – Product Reviews & Recommendations.

From visiting many review sites and reading their content, a common occurring theme is their inability to define precisely the criteria they are using to properly explain the properties of a particular product / group of products.

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