Beginner Disaster and Survival Prep

Preparing and surviving disasters is probably one of the harder issues you and your family will have to deal with in your and/or their lifetime. When disaster strikes, a lot of people i.e. the majority are not prepared and certainly not prepared for the aftermath.

People don’t think that far enough ahead when it comes to natural or man-made disasters none more so than in the inner cities. Even today, many people don’t give a second thought as to what would happen if the food supply networks broke down and transportation became non-existent or seriously hampered such that the supermarkets/hypermarkets soon had empty shelves of basic commodities.

Beginner Disaster and Survival Prep

It’s not only the natural disasters that cause immeasurable pain, anguish, and suffering. Man-made disasters resulting from e.g. war and climatic changes have been “ climbing the charts “.

Relying on local authorities and/or government intervention will NOT save you or me.

You and me must take the initiative and prepare ourselves so that our families will survive or AT LEAST significantly increase our chances from any natural or man-made disaster.

The ONLY person you should be counting on is YOURSELF. You, like me, are the only person who must take this initiative and be prepared in a time of crisis, disaster, emergency, or civil unrest. The worst thing is to imagine that any catastrophic event will not happen to you and/or your family. It Can and It Will !

In the United States (as a good example), hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes and tornadoes occur often enough that you should take the time when these disasters are not occurring to get prepared.

Have you seen those empty shelves in your local grocery store or home improvement store days before a disaster? Those are real scenarios and so are disasters.

Making sure that you have enough food, water and heat should be your top priority. Relying on the government to step in and help will leave you hungry, thirsty and cold.

Disasters can leave a trail of devastation that could last for weeks or days. If civil unrest breaks out, it will become unstable everywhere and there could be economic chaos. All over the world there would be the potential for political unrest, wars and unstable economic conditions.

What are you doing to ensure you and your family’s safety in the event of disaster? You need to start preparing today!

No one can predict when disaster will strike. But, you can prepare ahead of time to ensure that you and your family will survive. Start preparing today for a safer tomorrow. Beginner Disaster & Survival Prep can certainly help you reach this objective.

Our goal is help you find the best survival gear and equipment available for camping, hiking, personal safety and emergency preparedness.

Among our pages you’ll find flashlights, knives, shelter building equipment, food preparation tools, and information to help you stay safe and be ready for any possible disaster situation whether it be at home or while traveling.

We look for the items that provide the most features, have strong ratings, are durable, and – most importantly – reliable.

Ultimately, you want to know that you have everything covered no matter what happens and that means having well-performing items that help you cover the basics like being able to defend yourself, feed yourself and your family, build shelter.

Course Content:

We consider ourselves one of the leading sources of Information, advice and support for anybody venturing on the Disaster & Survival Preparedness adventure 

Preparing and surviving disasters is probably one of the harder issues you and your family will have to deal with in your and/or their lifetime.

Many people take wrong actions in difficult situations because they prioritize wrong things. The Rule of 3 ( aka The Survival Rule of 3’S) is a guide and can therefore be used in every situation of life:

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