The Survival Rule Of 3’s (“Threes”)

Many people take wrong actions in difficult situations because they prioritize wrong things. The Rule of 3 (also refered to as The Survival Rule of 3’S) is a guide and can therefore be used in every situation of life:

Normally, the Rule of 3’s contains the following:

  • You can survive three minutes without breathable air (unconsciousness) generally with protection or in icy water.
  • You can survive three minutes without breathable air (unconsciousness) generally with protection or in icy water.
  • You can survive three minutes without breathable air (unconsciousness) generally with protection or in icy water.

Always make your decisions based on this Rule of 3 prioritization and you have already made a big step towards getting out of a difficult situation in the best possible way.


[1]. If you have to spend the night outside in the dead of winter, no water supply will bring you anything unless you have a fire or shelter to ensure you won’t freeze to death!

[2]. A 6 month supply of food will not do you any good if you have nothing to drink. Unfortunately, you will still die of thirst right next to your food after a few days!


We humans all have innate abilities. These are to be used, trained and expanded – this is called evolution. We almost forgot that not only do we need the latest smartphone upgrade, we also need to upgrade ourselves. But that only works if we work on ourselves, first and foremost getting to know each other better, then we also recognize what we are capable of.

Survival training is, so to speak, a kind of self-discovery tool and is also really fun, empowers us, strengthens consciousness and brings us fully into the present. Try to practice as much as possible since practice makes perfect!


The infograph below illustrates a number of BASIC survival skills anybody should know. They are not difficult to learn. The key to survival is ……

  • PLAN

If you’ve ever been in a short-term or long-term life-and-death situation, then you already know that you need to know more than just camping.

While many skills overlap, there is still a special core of them that must come together and function as a whole before you can truly be an efficient, capable, resourceful and truly prepared Survivalist who will be able to cope with most disastrous or life-changing events that befall you and/or your loved ones.

To help you in achieving this objective, we have recently released our latest publication, illustrated below :

More details can be obtained by clicking on this link. HERE.

I’m sure there’s something you can Learn from OR improve on. If you find that some areas are completely lacking, or that you don’t have enough knowledge, there is no better time like now to learn AND practice your newly-acquired wisdom.

Here is the link again. Go there NOW !



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