Car Emergency Kits & Selected Accessories.

When going on a trip to the other side of the world, it is important to think about safety. No matter how long and where your trip is, a Car Emergency Kit including items and supplies for first aid,is essential.  We are never


Why is the first aid kit essential for any good, self-respecting person? It can never be over-stressed, it’s never to late to prepare AND rehearse for an emergency. and that is precisely why it is imperative to make all the

Food & Water : Water Purification

Water Purification involves treatment of water order to kill harmful microbes (and remove mineral contaminants) otherwise it is not suitable for drinking. Purification can be achieved by one of 3 methods : [1] Boiling > kills all possible pathogens in

The Corona Virus Pandemic: Part 1 of 4 – Signs & Symptoms

We often talk about ‘corona’, but officially the disease is called COVID-19. The disease is caused by the corona virus i.e. SARS-COV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – CoV coronavirus -2).  The virus is spread by coughing and sneezing. It is released into the air via droplets. If other people inhale

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