Introduction – Preparedness & Survival.

Prepping”  is derived from the attitude of always being prepared: Be prepared! This has resulted in a scene of people who use individual measures to prepare for various disaster situations.

The Difference Between Preppers And Survivalists

There’s a lot of folks out there who use the words “Prepper” and “Survivalist” interchangeably because they don’t know that there is a difference. Now, that’s understandable because both groups have some things in common. However, there is a difference in the overall philosophies of living :

Survivalists learn skills to live off the land …..

Preppers make sure that they are stocked up …..

The overall goal of both is to be able to survive in an adverse situation.It is this overall goal is what makes people assume that they are the same. Also, both groups of folks work to learn skills and acquire knowledge that will assist them in the event of an emergency or catastrophe. In a nutshell, they want to be ready to face the worst and come out okay on the other side of it.They don’t want to rely on the government for help.

The main difference in philosophy between the Preppers and the Survivalists is what and how much they deem is necessary to survive.

A Survivalist wants to be able to live on the least amount of supplies as possible by learning to live and survive off of his environment. Whereas,a Prepper wants to stock up on as many supplies as they deem necessary to live on in any given situation so that they are able to maintain as “normal” a living situation as possible.

So, to me, the Survivalist motto might be “Less is more” and the Prepper motto might be “More is better.”

What do you need as a prepper? 

On the one hand, you need good equipment and the necessary supplies to survive independently for several weeks or months. 

ALSO, you need the right skills in the areas of outdoor survival and bushcraft.

Which emergency situations can arise? 

These can be: power outages, diseases such as viruses and bacteria, worst-case scenario, economic collapse, terrorist attacks, cyber attacks, electromagnetic impulses, wars, natural disasters such as floods, storms, droughts, earthquakes. We shall return to this subject later on in this menu section labeled ” Disaster Prep”.

Why Become A Prepper ?

Prepping is more common than ever before. More and more people are preparing for the worst.

In this way, they are prepared for various disasters and can take appropriate measures. They want to ensure their own survival and that of their family.

To begin, consider seriously the following 3 important issues :

  • Try and view emergency situations with a certain sobriety and rationality.
  • Each prepper list is individual . Everyone has different needs and opinions on what he/she thinks is most important /useful to their particular needs. One prepper may have a family, another lives in the country alone, and others genuinely expect a zombie invasion.
  • If it is possible, act in solidarity and support those around you, not just family members.

As to what could be the Emergency / Catastrophic situations, we will discuss these later on in the “Disaster Scenario’s” section. That being said, this is what they are more than likely to be :

  1. Epidemic / pandemic / plague
  2. Wars & Conflicts
  3. Terror & Cyber attacks
  4. Environmental Disasters e.g. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis
  5. Climate anomalies e.g. droughts, big freezes, storms and floods.

Why You Need To Know About Survival

Natural calamities such as earthquakes, typhoons, flash floods, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes can strike your area with little or no warning. During any paid vacation or planned hiking trip, you could lose your luggage and supplies as a result of factors factors beyond your control.

Your backpack containing all your food and camping gear may fall into a ravine ; Your matches could get wet in a sudden wind gust or torrential rain ; You might get lost in the wilderness and get tracked by predators or see poisonous insects and snakes off the beaten path. You might trip or fall off a high edge and break your leg/s.

Outside the comfort of your own home, the world is an unpredictable and a cut-throat environment. Even as human beings used to modernity, there is a need to reconnect to
our animal instincts and understand how our ancestors lived and survived back in ancient and barbaric times. In essence, the world hasn’t changed much, and that side of ourselves should stay intact for times like these.

A current theme on TV is the post-apocalyptic world where groups of people must survive. Popular series like Lost and The Walking Dead feature the social dynamics of human survival in contexts where the world has become a more hostile environment just recently stripped of basic necessities like food, shelter and clothing.

The gravity of survival situations can be extremely stressful
Before anything else, it is important to have the right mindset and mental preparedness to survive no matter what the odds WE are up against.

True survivors are those who possess the will to live through life and death situations as opposed to those who crumble in the face of sheer adversity. Even trained experts and professionals can fail and put others at risk if they lack the endurance and perseverance, and many stories have been written about common people with little or no training and experience who made it through miles of jungle terrain and open water.

In survival training, you can learn the skills and know the right tools to ensure you’ll live through a hiking trip gone wrong or any apocalyptic scenario. Build a survival kit that you can carry with you in your vehicle or back pocket that you can pop open quickly in case of emergency.

It should contain handy items such as band aids, aspirin,flashlights, matches, compass, a Swiss army knife, sewing kit, water pouch, fishing hooks and possibly a map.

  • Learn to light a fire without using a lighter or matches since these can get wet during winter or in the rainy season.
  • Build a shelter to protect yourself against the elements if your tent is ruined or destroyed and you are miles away from any proper lodgings.
  • Know which plants are edible or poisonous when your food storage is close to depletion.
  • Look at the clouds to understand the weather patterns and cover yourself in case a snow or rain storm is approaching.
  • Cure and dilute stream water to turn it into drinking water as you won’t last very long in the wilderness if you cannot re/hydrate yourself regularly.
  • It may not be a usual experience to encounter a serious predator like a bear or lion, but you can increase your chances of staying alive by knowing how to act and even scare off your attacker.

Humanity has adapted and evolved in order to survive as it took ages before we moved from the forest to the urban jungles of the city scape. This is no excuse for you to believe you don’t have to go back to the woods to regain the primal side of your instincts.

If you want to remind yourself of that fact, just look to the news bulletins and you’ll realize that entire homes and cities are torn apart by disasters on a daily basis.

You never know when you and /or your family could be the next to experience a LIFE-THREATENING / LIFE-CHANGING situation….. such as ………

However, there is a viable solution to significantly alleviate these threats :


Is This The Best Survival Guide?

Final Survival Plan is a revolutionary programme that comprises of methods, secret activities and options which can prove to be extremely useful in times of emergencies like attacks, natural disasters, warfare, etc. The Final Survival Plan is a detailed overview SPECIFICALLY revealing just how to safeguard on your own and also your family WHEN a huge catastrophe strikes. You’ll be learning efficient survival methods in a short period of time that will go a long way to helping you (& your loved ones) survive any life-changing event.

The FINAL SURVIVAL PLAN is an essential e-book publication for anyone who wants to live in adaptive times and make the best out of a critical, life-changing situation. The advice, techniques and equipments described is sound and easy to understand. That is very important because it will enable the reader to become more vigilant as to the occurrence of a threat, be it from nature, a pandemic, a war civil unrest or a violent incident.

About The Author

John Stone is the creator of this product. He is a 65-year-old man who has been studying about ancient and contemporary prophecies for the past few years. John Stone has developed this survival product to help people during the time of crisis.

What is this e-Book Survival Guide ?

It is a survival programme that comes with a step-by-step guide teaching you how to protect your life from disasters. You will find out the safe and easy approach to keep yourself safe from catastrophes, both natural and “not so natural”. Consequently ……

  • The programme will guide you about the injuries handling process. You will learn how to treat infections without any doctor’s support. The program gives you tricks to locate freshwater and food supplies during a disaster situation.
  • You are going to discover some alternative energy sources via the programme. These alternatives will give you electricity when the traditional power shut down. In addition, you will learn a few electronic skills in the programme which you can use these skills during an emergency.
  • The programme includes some fruits and herbal remedies that you can grow in the garden. You will learn to grow vegetables that you can use for months if any emergency arrives.
  • This survival plan further unveils several medicine supplies that you should keep to save yourself and your family during hard times. It is going to educate you with the survival skills to keep your home secure.
  • The programme ensures that you are mentally prepared for all the harsh circumstances. However, the strategies and advice/tips presented will make you ready for virtually any disastrous threat and/or event.

CLICK this link HERE to read more details about this popular publication and get immediate access after purchase. NOW !




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